Installing NeoPwn V2 to N900's EMMC Internal Memory Card
This guide outlines the steps required to install NeoPwn v2 on to the internal EMMC memory card of the Nokia N900 rather than the suggested 4gb MicroSd.
The easiest way to do this is install openssh on your n900 and run the commands from a terminal on your pc or mac, this guide presumes that is what you are doing.
The guide to install NeoPwn v2 onto a MicroSd card can be found HERE
(Step 1) Install the following packages
(Step 2) Create a directory for the neopwn setup files
(Step 3) Copy files.tar.gz from your Pc/Mac to the setup folder
(Step 4) Change to that directory
(Step 5) Extract the NeoPwn setup files
(Step 6) Copy the files to their required directories
(Step 7) Restart hildon-home
(Step 8) Setup the control panels User Interface
(Step 9) Install the kernel drivers
(Step 10) Flash the N900
Accept the prompt on screen & reboot immediately
(Step 11) Backup everything on your Fat32 partition
(Step 12) Obtain and install FDisk (my preference use Gpart if you prefer and skip this)
(Step 13) Unmount /home/user/MyDocs so it can be partitioned
(Step 14) Run Fdisk
- Type d (enter) and 1 (enter) to delete partition 1
- Type n choose primary to recreate partition 1, make size 2 to 622721
- Type n choose partition 4 and extended and make size 622722 to 884865
- Type n choose logical partition for NeoPwn, hit enter twice to use up rest of drive
- Type t command to set type of partitions, set 1 and 5 to 76 (Unknown).
- type w to write to disk
(step 15) Restart FDisk
Type t and change partition 1 to c (Fat32)
(Step 16) Format fat32 partition for /home/user/MyDocs
(Step 17) Format ext3 partition for NeoPwn files
Now Reboot
(Step 18) Restore /home/user/MyDocs content's we backed up earlier
(Step 19) Edit neopwns file to reflect the mount
Find this line -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p1 /.neopwn -o noatime
And change to -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p5 /.neopwn -o noatime
For those who aren't VI savvy press i to start editing, then press esc & type :wq enter to save and quit
(Step 21) Mount the new ext3 partition on the /.neopwn directory
(Step 22) Transfer the w00t.tar.gz to the /.neopwn directory
It may take 20 minutes to transfer as the file is over 800mb
(Step 23) Extract the files
Be warned mine took amost 3 hour's to extract!
(Step 24) synchronize (Run twice just to make sure)
Any suggestions on how this can be improved are welcome.
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edit to the above comment... change line "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p5" to "mke2fs -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p5" please can you correct this for the bebefit of everybody else.. thankyou.
@lost in linux
Edited cheers
hi, thanks for the tutorial, very helpful.
but I can't find the neopwn v2. can you please provide us a download link?
i have a download link for 20$ by paypal ;)
Add this
If you press NeoPWN Icon and nothing happen^you need to write this in Terminal
chmod +x /home/user/
chmod +x /home/user/
P.S. Download link for free
I put in this archive all what you may need. Even drivers with enjection
hi thanks for the link but can you send me the password fir the archive thanks
when i get to mkfs -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p5 and try to mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p5 /.neopwn/ -o noatime it gives me an invalid argument error???